Talking About Vasectomy With Your Loved Ones

Despite becoming a popular form of birth control, there is still stigma around the vasectomy procedure. Many people have misconceptions about what the operation entails and what the consequences are.  

The reality is that the procedure is an effective and safe method of birth control, and by far the most convenient. With the development of new methods such as the no-scalpel procedure, the recovery is also relatively easy.  

More men are choosing to undergo a vasectomy – over 38,000 Australian men undertaken this procedure in the past year. But the stigma around the operation can make it hard to talk to a vasectomy doctor or to bring up the discussion with your partner and loved ones. 

Being informed by researching and having a consultation with your vasectomy doctor can help you understand more about the procedure and prepare you to talk it through with your partner and loved ones. It can be a tricky conversation to have, so we’ve compiled some advice to help you on your journey.  

Research the procedure 

It’s natural to feel nervous about getting a vasectomy. There are plenty of misconceptions surrounding the procedure and getting the operation can be daunting.  

Researching the procedure can help you separate fact from fiction and feel more at ease. Vasectomies are safe, low-risk procedures, and with new methods such as the no scalpel and fascial interposition techniques, recovery time can be reduced.  

The no scalpel and fascial interposition techniques are now widely used in Australia and involve using forceps rather than a scalpel to make a small opening, around 0.5cm, in your scrotum. This results in an easier and less painful recovery which can take only up to one week rather than four weeks. You can research which clinics near you have vasectomy doctors that operate with these techniques. 

Cost is another thing to research and consider before discussing the operation with your partner. In Australia, the procedure is covered by Medicare, so you are eligible for a rebate if you are an Australian citizen or permanent resident.  

The cost can range from $725 to $1800, depending on which clinic you choose. At Circumcision Vasectomy Australia, the procedure costs $822, with a Medicare rebate of $272, so the out-of-pocket cost is $550 if you are eligible (at the time of writing this article). You may be able to claim the operation through your health fund if you have private health insurance. 

While vasectomies might seem expensive, the truth is that it is cheaper in the long run compared to other birth control methods. This is because other alternatives require repeat purchases, whether it is the implant, IUD, the pill, or condoms. With a success rate of over 99%, it is also one of the most effective forms of birth control, which is why it is commonly considered for family planning. 

Set the stage for your discussion  

When bringing up the conversation with your partner and loved ones, it’s important that you set the stage for your discussion. Don’t bring it up at an inopportune time – make sure it is when you are all in a good position to talk it through. 

The word vasectomy can carry some negative connotations. It’s a good idea to ask your partner to set aside a time to talk about family planning, so you are both prepared for the conversation to follow. Being researched and informed can show your partner and loved ones that you have put thought and consideration into the decision.  

If you are in a relationship, it’s important that you have the talk before you proceed with meeting with a vasectomy doctor, to show that you respect your partner’s point of view.  

Discuss the options available 

You should talk through the available birth control methods with your partner and weigh up the effectiveness and convenience of each option. Ask for their opinion on what they would like to do so they feel heard and understood. It is a decision that should be made as a team.   

Vasectomies are a permanent form of birth control. There is no guarantee that they can be reversed, and the procedure to reverse is much more expensive and complicated than the original surgery. Because of this, it is important that you discuss with your partner and loved ones to ensure you are confident with your decision. 

Talk with a vasectomy doctor  

Talking with a vasectomy doctor can help you feel more at ease about the operation. You might feel apprehensive about taking this step but remember that a consultation is commitment-free and a good way to ask any questions you might have.  

If you’re still unsure about certain aspects of the procedure, booking a consult can help you decide if it is the right option for you. As vasectomies are rarely reversible, talking through the procedure with a vasectomy doctor is important so that you feel comfortable and certain about getting the operation. 

When choosing your vasectomy doctor, it’s important that you consider what methods they use and how experienced they are. Researching clinics beforehand can ensure you book a consult with a vasectomy doctor you trust.  

Choose a vasectomy doctor with the support of your loved ones 

It’s normal to be nervous about your procedure, which is why it’s important that you have support during and after your surgery. Being able to discuss the surgery with your loved ones can make the process less daunting. 

When choosing a vasectomy doctor, it’s important you trust their expertise. At Circumcision Vasectomy Australia, our doctors are experienced and trained to make you feel at ease during your operation.  

We use a combination of the fascial interposition and no scalpel procedures to make aftercare and recovery a smoother process. Book a consultation with one of our vasectomy doctors to learn more or contact us now to book your vasectomy.