Vasectomies are becoming a popular method of birth control, due to their convenience, cost, and effectiveness. Unlike female birth control options such as the implant or IUD which require replacing every few years, it is a one-time procedure.
This makes it far more convenient, especially when compared to the pill which must be taken daily. With a success rate of over 99%, it is one of the most effective forms of birth control, with minimal chance of user error compared to the pill. If you are certain that you do not want any or any more children, this procedure may be right for you.
With over 38,000 Australian men opting for this procedure in the last year, there are multiple vasectomy clinics you can choose from.
Deciding on which vasectomy clinic to go with can be tricky, and there are many things to consider ensuring you make the right choice. We’ve written a rundown on factors that might help you in choosing your vasectomy clinic.
It’s a good idea to speak to a doctor before your procedure, and you can book a consultation at a vasectomy clinic to find out more about whether it’s a good fit for you.
How much does the vasectomy clinic charge?
The cost of the procedure varies depending on the vasectomy clinic you choose. Factors such as the location, demand, anaesthetic used, and method used can influence the cost of your vasectomy.
In Australia, the cost can range from $725 to $1800, depending on the vasectomy clinic. It is generally less expensive at a private practice than in a hospital.
The procedure is covered by Medicare, so if you’re an Australian citizen or permanent resident, or New Zealand citizen, you will be eligible for a rebate. At Circumcision Vasectomy Australia, the cost for a vasectomy is $822, with a Medicare rebate of $272. If you are eligible, this brings the price down to $550.
If you are covered by private health insurance, you may be able to claim the procedure through your health fund. Any out-of-pocket costs will depend on the policy and amount of cover you have. You can contact your health fund or the vasectomy clinic to determine the cost.
Public vs. private vasectomy clinics
You can choose between a public or private provider when deciding on your vasectomy clinic. The main factor to consider is wait time. As this procedure is considered an elective surgery, if you opt for a day surgery at a public hospital, you could be waiting for a while. In the year 2020-21, elective surgeries had an average waiting time of 48 days in the public system. This included urgent surgeries. A vasectomy waiting time will be significantly longer than 48 days.
Private vasectomy clinics generally have shorter wait times, and if you choose a specialised clinic, this could mean better service and expertise. Certain clinics also offer the consultation and surgery on the same day, for a more efficient process.
Which method does the vasectomy clinic use?
One of the most important factors when deciding on your vasectomy clinic is the procedure they use. With advancements in the field, there are now different methods which will vary depending on the vasectomy clinic you choose. These comprise of the traditional, the open-ended, the fascial interposition, and the no scalpel procedures.
The traditional vasectomy
This method uses a scalpel to make one central or two large incisions to cut and seal the vas deferens tubes. It can take around 25 minutes.
The open-ended method
A 0.5cm opening is made in the front of your scrotum in the open-ended method, which is later closed by pressing the skin edges together. The vas deferens are cut and the penile end of the tubes are sealed, with the testicular end left open. This procedure takes around 20 minutes.
The fascial interposition method
Like the open-ended technique, your doctor will use forceps to make a 0.5cm opening in the front of your scrotum. The vas deferens tubes are cut, but a layer of internal skin (fascia) is used in separating the vas deferens’ penile and testicular ends. This increases the success rate to 99.9% and the procedure takes around 20 minutes.
The no-scalpel vasectomy
As the name suggests, no scalpel is used in this procedure to make an opening in your scrotum. Other than this, a standard vasectomy method is used internally. This takes around 15 minutes.
Regardless of the method, local anaesthetic will be used. Many people opt for the newer techniques such as the open-ended, fascial interposition, and no-scalpel procedures as these guarantee a quicker recovery time and minimal discomfort over the traditional vasectomy.
At Circumcision Vasectomy Australia, a combination of the no-scalpel, open-ended, and fascial interposition methods are used for the best possible outcome of safety and comfort.
Does the vasectomy clinic have an experienced doctor?
As with all surgeries, the experience and expertise of the doctor is an important factor. You can research your vasectomy clinic to ensure that the procedure is performed by an experienced professional.
At Circumcision Vasectomy Australia, our main operating vasectomy doctor is Dr. Shehab Abdalla, who has been practicing for almost 10 years. He has completed Specialist General Practice training, alongside two Diplomas, and has been trained by Melbourne-based doctors that have been performing vasectomies since the 70s.
Where is the vasectomy clinic located?
For the sake of convenience, it’s a good idea to choose a vasectomy clinic that is close to you. This will make your pre-procedure and post-procedure experience smoother and means a shorter drive home after your vasectomy. The location can also influence the price of the procedure.
What aftercare does the vasectomy clinic offer?
It’s a good idea to research into the aftercare the vasectomy clinic offers. You’ll want to ensure that your provider is with you every step of the way, from your initial consultation to your recovery.
At Circumcision Vasectomy Australia, we offer a 24-hour hotline that is available to you for any aftercare concerns. This can ease your mind going into the procedure and make your recovery smoother.
Finding the right vasectomy clinic
Finding the right vasectomy clinic can be daunting, but it’s a good idea to reach out to your doctor or book a consultation for ease of mind before your procedure.
At Circumcision Vasectomy Australia, our friendly team is here to assist you with your queries and make your experience easy, safe, and comfortable. Contact us now to book your vasectomy.