Men with son

Why People are Choosing Vasectomies as Cost of Living Rises

You can feel it every time you go to the shops, fill up your car, or pay your bills: the rising cost of living. It’s the topic on everyone’s tongues and it’s a problem that is unlikely to go away in the near future. While it’s always important to consider the drivers behind increasing inflation, your focus right now should be on how you’ll avoid entering dire financial straits in the coming years. One of the first things that might comes to mind as a cost saving measure is family planning.

Cost of Living & Contraception

Raising a child in Australia is estimated to cost around $170 a week, and that estimate is likely no longer accurate as it was calculated prior to the 5.1% inflation increase we saw in the previous financial quarter. Clearly, having children bears a significant financial cost that many people either can’t afford or don’t want. This means that effective contraception is a necessary financial measure for all adults engaging in sexual intercourse that could result in pregnancy. So, let’s compare contraceptive options:

Contraceptive Efficacy Annual Price
Vasectomy 99% ~$48 (over 10 years)
Condoms 98% (when used correctly) ~$100
Oral Contraceptives 99% (when taken correctly) ~$60 – $320
Intrauterine Devices (IUDs) 99% ~$24 (over 5 years)
Tubal Ligation 99% ~$450 (over 10 years)

In terms of reliability, vasectomies, IUDs, and Tubal Litigation are the most effective contraceptive options as they are less susceptible to human error. Out of these three, vasectomies are the most cost effective over a lifetime as the upfront cost isn’t as high as tubal litigation and they don’t need to be redone every few years like IUDs.

One thing to notice about these forms of contraceptive is that most put the burden of birth control on the people who are capable of getting pregnant. These methods of birth control are also more invasive than vasectomies and condoms as many women experience intense pain when IUDs are inserted, tubal ligation is very expensive and requires a very long recovery afterwards, and oral contraceptives have many negative side effects that make them unusable for many people. If you are in a monogamous relationship, then you should discuss all these contraceptive methods with your partner to ensure you select the option that works best for both of you.

A Permanent Solution to a Temporary Problem?

Unlike condoms, oral contraceptives, and IUDs, vasectomies aren’t easy to ‘stop’. Once you’ve had one, the process to reverse it is difficult and you won’t have guaranteed fertility afterwards. This is why you shouldn’t get a vasectomy unless you are certain you don’t want to have any (or more) biological children. If you have a partner, you should also have this discussion with them before you go through with the procedure.

Looking at contraception from a cost of living perspective, getting a vasectomy is a good financial decision. However, if the only reason you don’t want kids is because you can’t afford to raise children, then you shouldn’t do anything that will potentially permanently sterilise you. You may end up regretting the procedure if being childless isn’t a genuine desire on your part, and you don’t know whether your financial situation will improve enough to allow you to provide for additional members of your family.

Considering a Vasectomy?

If you’re pretty sure that you don’t want to impregnate another person, then having a vasectomy is a great option for you. Not only are vasectomies a very effective form of birth control, they’re also the most cost-effective form of birth control in the long-term.

At Circumcision Vasectomy Australia, we provide vasectomies that take only 20 minutes and 24-hours of aftercare in the comfort of your own home. We provide a no-scalpel procedure that produces minimal discomfort and heals fairly quickly – you’ll be back at work within 2-days and fully back into activities such as contact sport within a month! Get in touch with us if you’d like more information or to book an appointment.