No-scalpel, fascial interposition, open-ended vasectomy

Vasectomy Methods

Circumcision Vasectomy Australia

Our Methods

At Circumcision Vasectomy Australia, we offer the most innovative method of vasectomy. This is called the no scalpel, fascial interposition, open ended vasectomy. This method is a variation of the traditional vasectomy procedure that offers several advantages, including reduced pain, faster recovery, and decreased risk of adverse effects.

There are different techniques to perform a vasectomy. However, the ‘no scalpel’ method offers a less invasive procedure with quicker recovery and minimal discomfort. A vasectomy procedure at our clinic takes around 20 minutes because we practise the innovative and latest ‘no scalpel, open ended, fascial interposition’ technique. After the operation, sperm can no longer mix with semen.

At Circumcision Vasectomy Australia, you’re in safe hands. We want to make you feel comfortable and relaxed during every single step from consultation to after your procedure. Join over 30,000 men in Australia yearly that have had the snip and book a consultation today.


Why choose us?

Extensive training

Our leading surgeon has undergone extensive training under two leading Australian doctors.


We are focused on providing affordable and quality procedures.

Minimal discomfort

Industry-leading techniques that are simple, safe, and minimally invasive.

24hr aftercare

We offer our patients access to our 24-hour hotline to address any concerns after the procedure.

Vasectomy Fees

What will it cost?

We are dedicated to providing affordable vasectomy. We offer vasectomy at affordable prices under local anaesthetic and nerve block. This eliminates the cost of paying for an anaesthetist, anaesthetic drugs, hospital bed and surgical theatre room.

Vasectomy Methods

No-scalpel, fascial interposition, open-ended vasectomy

Here at Circumcision Vasectomy Australia, we provide the ‘no-scalpel’ vasectomy procedure in conjunction with the fascial interposition and open ended vasectomy methods. This technique uses no knives or scalpels.

Our minimally invasive procedure doesn’t need external stitches and will heal on its own, making it safer, more comfortable and hassle free. With a no-scalpel vasectomy you’ll also get less bleeding and recover faster than the conventional method.

In the fascial interposition method, once the vas deferens is identified, it is snipped, and internal skin is sutured dividing the testicular end from the prostatic end. This decreases the rate of re-canalisation, and therefore less risk of failure.

The open ended method reduces the risk of complications such as congestion, pain, and sperm granulomas.

Vasectomy Methods

No Scalpel

The difference between the ‘conventional’ and ‘no scalpel’ vasectomy is how your doctor will access the vas deferens. Think of the vas deferens as the road your sperm travels on from the testes to the urethra.

A doctor accesses the vas deference by creating an incision with a blade on both sides of the scrotum in a conventional surgery. With a ‘no-scalpel’ vasectomy, your doctor will puncture one small 0.5cm hole into your scrotum to gain access to both vas deference. This technique uses no knives or scalpels!

Our minimally invasive procedure doesn’t need stiches and will heal on its own, making it safer, more comfortable and hassle free. With a no-scalpel vasectomy you’ll also get less pain and bleeding than a conventional method.

A vasectomy can be done in less time than a conventional procedure, only taking about 20 minutes.

Vasectomy Methods

Fascial interposition

The fascial interposition method of vasectomy involves placing a layer of connective tissue (internal skin) between the cut ends of the vas deferens during the procedure.

This aims to create an additional barrier to prevent the spontaneous reconnection of the vas deferens, enhancing the effectiveness of the vasectomy. By interposing the fascial tissue, it is believed to reduce the risk of recanalisation, where the severed vas deferens re-establishes a connection, potentially leading to the return of fertility.

This technique aims to provide a more secure and permanent form of contraception by adding an extra layer of tissue separation in the vasectomy process.

Vasectomy Methods

Open ended

The open-ended method of vasectomy involves a surgical approach where one end of the vas deferens remains unsealed, allowing sperm to drain freely into the surrounding tissue. This technique contrasts with the closed-ended method, which involves sealing both ends of the vas deferens. The open-ended approach is believed to reduce the risk of post-vasectomy pain syndrome, a potential complication that some individuals may experience after the procedure. By leaving one end open, pressure within the vas deferens is released, potentially minimising discomfort and improving overall patient satisfaction.

This method is considered as an alternative to the traditional closed-ended vasectomy, offering a balance between effectiveness and patient comfort. The open-ended vasectomy aims to provide individuals with a potentially less invasive option while still ensuring the success of the sterilisation procedure. It reflects a nuanced approach to vasectomy, considering both the physiological aspects of sperm drainage and the patient’s postoperative experience.

What to expect


  • Overview

  • After 1 week

  • After 2 weeks


You should rest a few days after the procedure and do your best to avoid heavy lifting to minimise any pain and swelling.

Ensure you wait a few days until you can resume light physical activities, but it also advisable to wait up to a few weeks before doing any vigorous activity. This is to help the healing process while you have pain, swelling and possible bruising after your procedure. If you’re concerned about this, your doctor can give you advice on the specifics of your lifestyle.

After your vasectomy procedure, we’ll walk through complete aftercare with you and answer any more questions you have.

Our clinic is here to answer any questions you have. If you wish to discuss your options further, please call us at (03) 9998 7446 or book a consultation.


  • You must have complete rest on the day of the vasectomy.
  • You can shower 24 hours after the procedure but keep the wound as dry as possible.
  • After your procedure you may notice light spotting on the first day and some swelling and discomfort for 24 hours. We will provide you with pain killers to minimise the discomfort you may feel.
  • Apply cold packs to the scrotum on the first few days after the vasectomy.
  • Ensure you wear tight fitting underwear for the first few days after the vasectomy.
  • Depending on the type of work you do, you can return to work two days after the procedure. This is the case for office workers.
  • If your job involves reaching, stretching or any other physical exertion you may request to be put on light duties for one week. If this is not possible, you will need to take the week off. We can provide you with a medical certificate.
  • Abstain for sex or masturbation for 1 week


  • After a 1 week you can only have protected sex.
  • Avoid contact sports for 4 weeks.
  • You will need to have a sperm test in 3 months. Before then, you must avoid unprotected sexual intercourse.
  • Once your sperm test proves you are infertile you may commence unprotected sex.
Still have questions?

Frequently asked questions

What is a vasectomy?

A vasectomy is a procedure which renders a man infertile.

How is a vasectomy completed?

The vas deferens is the highway which sperm travel through to reach their end destination.

In a vasectomy the highway is snipped stopping the sperm from progressing into the outside world.

Is a vasectomy reversible?

Reversing a vasectomy is very difficult.

If you have any thoughts of reversing a vasectomy this procedure is not for you.

How long does a vasectomy take?

The consultation takes 10 minutes.

The vasectomy takes 20 minutes.

We keep you a further 15 minutes in the clinic post a vasectomy to make sure you are okay.

In total, expect to spend 45 minutes with us.

How do I prepare for my vasectomy?

Bring tight fitting underwear. This is important and we expect you to wear this over the next 48 hours. You can always change into a new tight fitting underwear after 24 hours.

Please make sure you shave your scrotum the day before the procedure. A hairy scrotum increases the risk of an infection.

When can I resume usual activities?

You can drive home on the day of the procedure.

No lifting more than 10kg for the first 24 hours post a vasectomy.

You can resume work within 2 days of having a vasectomy provided your work does not involve heavy lifting.

No vigorous heavy lifting for 4 weeks post a vasectomy.

No contact sport for 4 weeks.

Does vasectomy hurt?

No, a vasectomy should not hurt.

We block the pain pathway to the brain by using a nerve block.

You may have discomfort after this block wears off in 12 hours. This can be managed with Paracetamol.

Can I ejaculate after a vasectomy?

Yes you can ejaculate after a vasectomy.

Less than 5% of ejaculate is made out of sperm.

Most ejaculate comes from the prostate gland & seminal vesicles.

We snip the vas deferens early in the highway and therefore you will not notice a difference in your ejaculate volume.

What does aftercare involve post a vasectomy?

Aftercare is simple. Our doctors will go through aftercare with you on the day of the procedure.

In addition to this,  we provide all our patients access to our 24 hour hotline to address any concerns.

When can I have sex post a vasectomy?

The procedure does not work immediately. The sperm can be hidden in the tubes past the sight at which we blocked their pathway to the outside world for 3 months.

You can commence having sex in 1 week but this must only be protected sex.

In 3 months we advise you have a sperm test to ensure the procedure is a success. Only then you can resume to have unprotected sex.

Our success rate is 99%. This is consistent with the medical industry and we pride ourselves in ensuring you obtain continuity of care by testing your sperm count in 3 months to make sure you are no longer fertile.

What is the cost of a vasectomy?

This depends on whether you have access to Medicare. Please visit our cost page to see how much a vasectomy will cost you.

Do I need a referral?

No referral is required.