Everything You Need to Know About Getting a Vasectomy in Melbourne

Getting a vasectomy is a big decision. That’s why it’s important to research and consider whether this option is right for you. Speaking to your loved ones is a good idea, particularly if you are in a committed relationship as this is a decision you should make together.  

Choosing to get a vasectomy in Melbourne has become more and more popular over the years, with thousands of men undergoing the surgery every year. Technology has gone a long way, and it is a safe and effective method of birth control that is permanent unlike most other methods.  

There are many considerations to make before you get your vasectomy in Melbourne. The cost, how to choose the right vasectomy services in Melbourne, the method you would like to be used, and aftercare are some of the things you should know before you undertake this operation.  

The cost of a vasectomy in Melbourne 

Getting a vasectomy in Melbourne is a big upfront cost compared to other birth control methods, but it can actually save you money in the long run. This is because it is a permanent procedure that is much less expensive than tubal ligation, the only other permanent birth control method.  

Other birth control methods require repeat purchase, such as condoms and the pill, or repeat insertion such as IUDs and the implant, which cost more over time.  

The cost of a vasectomy in Melbourne varies depending on the vasectomy clinic you choose. If you have access to Medicare, it can be as low as an out-of-pocket cost of $550, as you can get a Medicare rebate of $283 from the government.  

If you do not have access to Medicare, the upfront cost can be around $800 for vasectomy services in Melbourne.  

Choosing the right vasectomy clinic 

Choosing the right doctor for your vasectomy services in Melbourne is important so that you feel comfortable and safe during the procedure. You should always research the vasectomy clinic beforehand to see how experienced the doctors are. 

Having a consultation with your doctor can help you gauge whether the vasectomy clinic is right for you. You should also consider what vasectomy methods they use, the aftercare services they provide, and whether you feel comfortable with your doctor.  

Having the right provider for your vasectomy services in Melbourne can give you peace of mind that your operation will go smoothly, and you will have support if you have any questions before, during, or after the procedure. 

The methods of getting a vasectomy in Melbourne  

There are a few different methods that vasectomy clinics use for the operation. You may choose a vasectomy clinic that uses the method that appeals to you most, although you should always consult with your doctor beforehand about what is the right fit for you.  

The traditional method  

In the traditional method, a scalpel will be used to make one central or two large incisions to cut and seal the vas tubes. Sections of the vas deferens may be removed, and the vas deferens are then sealed off.  

No scalpel method 

For the no scalpel procedure, your doctor will use sharp forceps to make a 0.5cm opening in the front of your scrotum. Your doctor will then cut the vas deferens, the tube that the sperm travels through to exit into the outside world. No stitches are required as no scalpel is used. 

Open ended method  

In the open-ended method, your doctor makes a 0.5cm opening in the front of your scrotum and cuts the vas deferens. The penile end of the vas deferens is then sealed, with the testicular end left open. The opening on the testicular side is left open to minimise the chances of developing post vasectomy syndrome. Post-vasectomy pain syndrome is very rare and involves chronic pain in one of both testicles after the procedure. 

Fascial interposition method 

For the fascial interposition procedure, a 0.5cm opening is made with fine, sharp forceps as in the no scalpel method. Each vas deferens tube is then cut, and a layer of fascia (internal skin) is used by your doctor to separate the testicular and penile ends of the vas deferens.  

It’s a good idea to consider the methods vasectomy clinics use when choosing your vasectomy services in Melbourne. Many people opt for the latter three options as they are more modern. At Circumcision Vasectomy Australia, our vasectomy clinic uses an innovative ‘no scalpel, open ended, fascial interposition’ technique, which results in reduced pain, faster recovery, and less risk of adverse effects.  

Are vasectomies reversible? 

Vasectomies are rarely reversible and undergoing a reversal procedure has no guarantee of success. A reversal surgery is also much more costly and complicated, which is why you should take the time to consider if a vasectomy is the right choice for you.  

What to do after getting your vasectomy in Melbourne  

After your vasectomy in Melbourne, it is important to note that the effects are not immediate. You will still have to use other birth control methods for 3 months after the procedure due to sperm that may be hidden in the tubes at the time of the surgery.  

You should conduct a sperm test after 3 months to ensure there is no sperm remaining in your semen. You can resume having sex 1 week after the procedure, but this must be protected sex.  

You will be able to drive yourself home after getting your vasectomy in Melbourne and can resume work within 2 days of your procedure if your work does not involve heavy lifting. You should not lift more than 10kgs for the first 24 hours post-procedure. Avoid contact sports for 4 weeks. 

The vasectomy clinic you choose should provide you with adequate information for aftercare. At Circumcision Vasectomy Australia, our vasectomy services in Melbourne include a 24-hour aftercare hotline where you can contact us for any issues that may arise.  

If you’re interested in vasectomy services in Melbourne, contact us today for a consultation or same-day procedure. Our team will look after you from consultation to recovery.